
Mauritius has incredible biodiversity and many stunning places to visit beyond the beach. The aim of this website is to share information with Mauritians and tourists alike on how to access these areas. They are few in number, but serve as a museums for the island’s natural history and should be known, enjoyed, and protected.

hairy creator alex jahp

I personally had difficulty finding sufficient information about the natural areas in Mauritius, so I decided to build this website and put my experience as a guide and passion for exploring natural places to use. In addition to firsthand exploration, the information herein is compiled from discussions with the outdoor community in Mauritius and through internet research. The interactive map uses Google Fusion Tables. I use Garmin Basecamp to edit the tracks. I hope that this website will continue to grow and inspire others to get outside. I could always use more information about additional hikes, natural areas, and access.

Please email me about anything at alex at exploremauritius.org Hike on!